Sunday, February 28, 2010

My Birthday Dinner


The weather was so hot that I have no mood to suggest eating anywhere far from home, so we headed for Gaya Seafood Restaurant and ordered the unusual… crab as its my birthday I get to choose what I like to eat! So I finished the 600gm of crab!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Pizza Hut @ Inanam Taipan

02 February
Finally, my humble town has a Pizza Hut!

So I dragged my brother there for a dinner.

As usual, my typical Chinese brother didn’t enjoy the food,
and he complained about the “waterless toilet” (no water to flush yucks).

Nonetheless, I enjoyed the Crispy Crust Pizza,
I have always preferred the “thin” pizza to the usual Pizza Hut Pizza,
and that was why I love the Domino’s...
I didn’t know that now Pizza Hut also has the Crispy Crust!
Ya, coz it’s been ages since I ate at Pizza Hut!

No one in my family likes Italian food bah! Sigh!

Why am I born into such a Chinese family… why why why why WHY!?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010



I’ve known about it for quite some time…
I thought it’s just an ice cream shop…
and I heard it’s VERY expensive.

To my surprise… the not only have ice cream but also serves proper meal like pasta… and they have cheesecake and good coffee!


They even have affogato!
Which I can’t even get from SB or CB or even San F!!!


(Even though it was not as nice as the affogato I first tasted in PJ, at least now I know where to go if I urge to have a cup of affogato!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Susan Boyle


When I first heard about her from a friend I admit I was not quite interested… I thought, just another star produced by publicity… until I heard this wonderful angelic voice on the radio singing the song I dreamed a dream which made me cry each time I heard it! Who is this Susan Boyle who sang like a veteran singer… but how come I have not heard her name before this? So I google up her name and found out that she is in fact a fresh made star of less than a year old… since April 2009…  how can the world not heard her for all those years? And how could I have brushed her off when I first heard of her from a friend…

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Mt Kinabalu @ Jalan Lintas

Traffic was always busy on the Lintas Highway…
some times, after my flute lesson, if I left Citymall early enough…
the sky would still be bright… and occasionally, I could see Mt Kinabalu clearly in a distant!

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On my way to Citymall… the radio played Susan Boyle’s I dream a dream again… I can’t help but fallen in love to that mesmerising voice that draw tears to my eyes… and wondered who is this Susan Boyle… and when I got back and googled her name
This is what I found… and I became a fan instantly!

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Age Discrimination

This morning on litefm… a question was aired:
How much should parents get involved in their children’s relationship

Which started with a father who called in with the concern over the fact that
his son is dating a woman 10 years his senior:
31 guy dating a 41 lady
The caller father is also very concerned whether he’d ever get a grandchild
(ya of all concerns, that’s his prime concern, sigh!)

What I wanted to comment is this:
the issue put forward by the DJs was,
how much should parents get involved in their children’s relationship

BUT, the issue generated call-ins commenting on the issue of AGE alone!

It could be seen from the response that people are pretty much repugnant of the fact that a guy a dating an older woman…

I find this to be discriminatory!

When an 80 year old grandfather marries a 18 year old,
the response is: “wow, that old man still has it!”

But when a woman of 41 is dating 31…
the response is: how can they have children.

That to me, is discrimination not only against a woman’s age
But also to a woman’s role in a relationship (woman is baby machine)!

What has age got to do with a relationship?
Do you ask a person’s age before you fall in love?
(Appearance can be deceiving nowadays especially since Placenta Serum was discovered)
When a person is attracted by another person,
it could very well be because of that other person’s maturity (elderly-ness!)

What is marriage?
Is marriage about making children only?

(I think we have enough human beings already on earth…
and even think its environmental unfriendly to produce more human being!)

Marriage is about a man and a woman who loves each other,
wanting to build a home together, sharing their lifes…
It would be great if God bequeath their marriage with a child…
but it there is none, that should not make their marriage less blissful.

So, when people comment about the problem of older woman bearing children
that really is discriminatory! (young man also can be infertile you know!)

What I want to say is:
Age should not stop a woman from love!
(well of course unless she is married already)
And a relationship is not build on the basis of “child bearing”.