Tuesday, October 27, 2009

RM50 tax per Credit Card

This the government says is to discourage overspending!

I just don’t get it… how on earth this would work?

How buy having to pay a yearly tax of RM50 would one be discouraged to over spend?

I may have a credit card that I never use… but still have to pay RM50 tax for just owning it.

I may spend RM500 a year with my card, I got to pay RM50 tax.

The minister’s wives may spend over RM50,000 a month, but they pay RM50 ONLY.

To discourage overspending… why not just impose GST?

Sure cannot lar, the minister’s wife/wives will suffer so much more!

So what is most easy way to get cash not affecting their wives spending and their pockets… RM50 per credit card!

Imagine so many credit cards out there, for every single card is a RM50 income!

… … …

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