Sunday, November 14, 2010

Chatting with a Kid

At the music school... a little girl approached me and said, "You look fierce..." I just smiled at her and asked her "But I'm not really fierce right?" she replied "ya, you are not fierce at all", I smiled and said again "some people just looked fierce but they are not and some people could look nice but they are bad people"... she quickly said "ya, my mommy says pretty people are bad people" ... I was silent for a moment there... "but that's not entirely true..." before I could finished, the little girl ran away...

Why I love children? Because they are so honest and yet they don't discriminate! And I truly admire their courage to “explore” a fierce looking person...

A lot of times I encounter adults who would just stay away from me simply because they think I look fierce. They would not dare to come close as if I am contagious. Being born with a fierce look sometimes give me advantage too, because I don’t need to befriend cowards! :)

Over the years, I’ve already gotten used to the situation.

But whenever a child approaches me and said to me they don’t think I am fierce at all, it would draw tears to my eyes… I felt as if an angel from heaven has just touched my heart.

Jesus said, For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Peppermint @ Asiacity

Heard about their Chicken Rice quite sometime… since I started chambering with SY three years ago, as a matter of fact! But never got the chance to go there until today.  Boy I’m surprised to find they have Vietnamese coffee! And the beef stew noodle was quite nice… the beef literally melts in your mouth! 10 Oct2

And the vege was crunchy and I can’t get enough to the oyster sauce with the vege… sweet and just salty enough!

I love it… would definitely come again! 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hungry Today


Whenever I am stressed out at work,
I would eat… but there’s really no good choice of food around my office area…
so I had to “surrender” to this vegetarian fried rice with an egg…
cost me RM5!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Best Pizza in Town


Some say Little Italy has the best pizza in KK,
to me… Upperstar is my choice for the price and the taste!


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Best Mango Lo-Mai-Chi

09 Sept2

From none other than, Fook Yuen@KK!

Snowy coconut flakes…
soft but chewy glutinous skin…
and the mango inside… one bite and
the fresh mango sweet sour taste attack your tongue…
you will think you are in heaven! Well, I did!

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

August Sun

August is over… and these are the sunsets of the month!

08 August2

I almost thought we have autumn here!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bengawan Solo

Bengawan Solo… not a catchy name to remember
but once you tasted their kueh…
you will never forget the delicious yummy taste!

Although I have only managed to taste two of their kuehs which were bought by my lady boss and brought back from Singapore… (she always bring back Bengawan Solo’s kueh if she visit Singapore)

08 August2

I must say they are really good!

So I googled it up…

oh the variety of the kuehs is driving me nuts… 
tempting me to fly immediately to Singapore…
their shop is at the Changi Airport, how convenient!

And their success story is quite interesting and inspiring too:

Monday, August 16, 2010

Do you see what I see


Took this picture in my car on my way to work this morning…
Do you see what I see here?


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Right Minded


I sat here whole day trying to make the girl turn anti-clockwise…

So, according to this test, I am a right brained person…

Right Brain

The right brain functions in a non-verbal manner (now I know why I have problem expressing myself verbally) and excels in visual, spatial, perceptual, and intuitive information. The right brain processes information differently than the left brain. For the right brain, processing happens very quickly and the style of processing is nonlinear and nonsequential. The right brain looks at the whole picture and quickly seeks to determine the spatial relationships of all the parts as they relate to the whole. This component of the brain is not concerned with things falling into patterns because of prescribed rules. On the contrary, the right brain seems to flourish dealing with complexity, ambiguity and paradox (yupe, I love paradox). At times, right brain thinking is difficult to put into words because of its complexity, its ability to process information quickly and its non-verbal nature. The right brain has been associated with the realm of creativity.



More information here

Monday, August 09, 2010

Smokey KK

It’s been a long while since my last climb to the hill at Tun Fuad Park!

But I am quickly disappointed by the fact that
the scenery on the summit has been compromised!


It’s only not been raining for a couple of days and people are already eager to “indulge” themselves in open burning… smoke everywhere!

Hannah II


Her name is Hannah II… she’s been docking at the KK Port for a while now… I wonder what does she do… then only found out it is a Christian ship!

But no one at the church tell us anything about her… so she remains a mystery to me!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

A sunny Evening…

DSC00064 (2)-1

Don’t ask me why I took the picture and post it up…

It was just an ordinary day driving back from work…

That I saw this blue sky and the trees over shone by the setting sun…

And thought… that’s amazing!

Rojak Rojak

DSC00043 (2)

I like this rojak… yummy… or maybe it’s the company because I always have it with a few good “learned” friends…

Saturday, July 03, 2010

The Cube @ City Mall

I thought it was a Western restaurant so I never bothered…

07 July

Now only I know its actually Chinese cuisine served in a Western way!

And I love the food!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Haagen-Dazs on Air!

Guess what?! We were served with Haagen-Dazs on our way back from KL on MAS!

Shy to say this, but this was my first taste “the” Haagen-Dazs ice-cream! So smooth and creamy… but as for taste… my nose failed to function on flights… so I can’t get any vanilla flavor… just the smooth and creamy sweetness in my mouth…


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

20th WACCM ~ The Food


Just some of the food I managed to shoot…
the schedule was so busy I hardly have time to think about photographing…

Now I think of it, the food was not that really nice anyway…
we were just too exhausted and filled with the joy of sacred music to make any complaint about it!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Sakae Sushi

Didn’t expect much… but was pleasantly surprised!

Would definitely go back for more…

06 June

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

What have YOU done to Kundasang?

Went to Kundasang… expecting the same old greenery but find these…

On the left (arriving from KK), the vegetables stalls have been moved and the valley below looks like this:

New Folder

On the right (arriving from KK), is a “gigantic” construction… the purpose of which I am clueless, is this

New Folder1

I am very sad…

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Vedablu Ice-cream


My first taste of the most expensive locally made ice-cream in Sabah!

Two scoop = approx RM10 (don’t play play)

But nice lor… smooth…
next time will try their sorbet (pronounced sore-bay)!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Economical Lunch


Sandwich RM2
Kuih Lenggang RM1 (for three, I’ve eaten one before taking this photo, too tempting bah)

The sandwich taste weird and it will be the last time i buy this sandwich from this shop!
but the kuih lenggang are yummy… the cheapest and tastiest lunch one could have!

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Mother’s Special, HK Recipe@1Borneo

Went to 1Borneo for the PC Fair and thought we’d just grab our dinner there before we head home… the waiter recommended we try their Mother’s Day Special… indecisive of what to order anyway, we went along wit the recommendation.

Didn’t expect much from a 7 course meal that only cost RM88 but we were pleasantly surprised!


Started was Cold Dish with my favourite Red Squid, Siew Yuk and Roast Duck, and then there was the tasty soup… (with dried sotong and scallop!), then the G-tai (gosh)… and steamed grouper (no kidding!), and pump deep fried with salted egg york… fried rice with anchovies… lastly the Guai-ling dessert!

What more can you ask from a RM88 deal?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Roti Cobra

Today’s lunch = Roti Cobra set RM3.50 only…

Why cobra? No idea…

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I’m Innocent!

Someone scribbled this onto the High Court rail between the Court and the public gallery… 
I guess there’s a lot of “innocent” people there…

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Easter Rain


The long awaited down pour… finally!

Shower of blessings on an Easter Sunday…
I'm so sad the church didn’t give out Easter eggs to church members so i went and ordered egg toast…


Friday, April 02, 2010

Java Mee @ Kapin, Inanam


Tun Fuad Sunset

Tun Fuad Park really has one of the most mesmerizing sunset in KK… beside Tg Aru… and that’s why I keep climbing the hill to the top… just for this… the reward at the peak…

P1110751-2 P1110751-1

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sarawak Kolok Mee @ Kolombong

Sarawak kolok mee… yummy!
But we got to wait a long time, even though there were not that many customer at the coffee shop!


I really don’t know the name of the shop…
so how to find it?

Just remember it’s right across the road to TLS Marketing Sdn Bhd!


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dosa is not Sin

Never thought I could actually find this in KK…
No one told me and I stopped asking
because every time I asked for Dosa (pronounce Thol-Say) in KK
people will look at me like I am from outer space or something!


Until a colleague of mine brought me to this little Indian shop nearly hidden in Bandaran near the firm… and I didn’t even remember the name of the shop… have to go there another time. I was told their curry fish head is FAMOUS! 

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

LV Spotted


One bad habit of mine is to “stare” at branded stuffs…
I can’t help it… I’d stare and stare and stare and wonder:
genuine or fake?

Saturday, March 20, 2010

HK Recipe


Nice soup base but i don’t like the cold raw-ish rice noodle!


Dad’s rice… err I missed the chicken… hahaha!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hokkein Mee for Dinner


Still don’t feel like having rice… so… I ordered hokkein mee!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Breakfast for Dinner

I like having breakfast meal for dinner…


Coz I like to eat bread, I love egg… bake beans, sausage, ham and fries…

All of which are my favorite yummy food!

I wonder why I was born into a Chinese family but don’t quite like eating rice…

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Fish Head Bihun @ Kedai Kopi Tong Fung, Inanam


A very big bowl (but just a lot of soup) 
and a very expensive bowl of RM8!

How was it?
I’d say it taste just like Hung Kee’s fish noodle…
but this is not my type of Fish Head Noodle.

I prefer it with deep fried fish head in a fish soup base of ginger and coconut milk…

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Caramel something


Whenever I am at SB or CB or SF… and need to decide a drink,
I’ll just look for the word “caramel”…

I wonder, I like coffee or I just like caramel?

Sunday, February 28, 2010

My Birthday Dinner


The weather was so hot that I have no mood to suggest eating anywhere far from home, so we headed for Gaya Seafood Restaurant and ordered the unusual… crab as its my birthday I get to choose what I like to eat! So I finished the 600gm of crab!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Pizza Hut @ Inanam Taipan

02 February
Finally, my humble town has a Pizza Hut!

So I dragged my brother there for a dinner.

As usual, my typical Chinese brother didn’t enjoy the food,
and he complained about the “waterless toilet” (no water to flush yucks).

Nonetheless, I enjoyed the Crispy Crust Pizza,
I have always preferred the “thin” pizza to the usual Pizza Hut Pizza,
and that was why I love the Domino’s...
I didn’t know that now Pizza Hut also has the Crispy Crust!
Ya, coz it’s been ages since I ate at Pizza Hut!

No one in my family likes Italian food bah! Sigh!

Why am I born into such a Chinese family… why why why why WHY!?