Thursday, December 31, 2009

Once in a Blue Moon


New Year Eve 2009…
a gloomy night…
The 13th Full Moon in 2009, aka the Blue Moon
blanketed by dark heavy clouds…

Now only I know there is really a phenomena called “blue moon”
and “one in a blue moon” means it does happen…
although not frequent… but possible!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

San F Lunch for Winter Solstice


Office closed at 3pm today… but I have flute lesson at 530pm,
so I was at City Mall way before time for lesson and enjoyed a heavy late lunch at San F… the same sandwich I had at San F Warisan Square is much better than this one I had… there is no quality control between branches it seems… sigh!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

San F is my coffee

I am now officially a fan of San F coffee


Simply because they have the best sandwiches!


Oh…. the poached eggs… so creamy…. heaven!



I will to try to order different types of sandwiches every time I visit San F!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tong Hing’s Christmas Message


I really like Tong Hing’s message for this year…
simple yet… and yet so effective!

For God did not send his Son to condemn the world,
but that the world through Him might be saved

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

SGD2.50 McD Breakfast

This would never ever happen in Malaysia… why?
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What kind of breakfast we could have for RM2.50?

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Family Dinner at Kapin


卤鸡… braise chicken? Yummy!


Egg fry kayu manis


Ginger fish fillet

Fish Maw Soup

Four person… bill less than RM40 (including drinks)!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Dinner @ Kapin

We have decided to eat out every Sunday night… so that mommy at least have one rest day a week :p

These are the dishes we had at Kapin, Inanam:


Asam Fish, sweet bayam and Virgin Fried Chicken…

Kapin dishes are the best and the price is the most reasonable… the only thing I would complain about is the rice!

I got used to eating AAA fragrant rice at home,
so every time eat out, if the restaurant serve any rice of lesser grade… I would be disappointed!

HK Recipe Again and Again

If our family have to eat at 1Borneo… there is only ONE restaurant we can all agree to… Hong Kong Recipe!

This time mom and I had the same dish
the salted vegetable fish fillet meehoon soup!
YUMMY! I finished the whole bowl to the last drop of soup!

Dad as usual had to have rice, so he had charsiew rice!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New Love @ San F


I have decided to follow… San F
No more coffee bean (rocky cheese cake),
No more starbuck (filthy aircon system)…

San F has the best sandwiches in town!

Monday, November 09, 2009

Sarawak Mee Kolok


@ Inanam Business Centre…

Mee was nice… the toppings were a bit too porky to me though.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Seven Sins

Seven sins consists of "Lust", "Gluttony", "Greed", "Sloth", "Wrath", "Envy", and "Pride".

Look at the list… it includes “gluttony” and “sloth”… two sins I’ve deeply committed!

I eat too much and I lazy to exercise!

Hisk… I am a sinful person!
I need to repent!

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Fish Fillet Meehoon @ Merdeka



Fish head meehoon is priced at RM8.50!
With more fish bones less meat cost more…
I don’t get it at all!

Anyway, the fish fillet taste as nice!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

RM50 tax per Credit Card

This the government says is to discourage overspending!

I just don’t get it… how on earth this would work?

How buy having to pay a yearly tax of RM50 would one be discouraged to over spend?

I may have a credit card that I never use… but still have to pay RM50 tax for just owning it.

I may spend RM500 a year with my card, I got to pay RM50 tax.

The minister’s wives may spend over RM50,000 a month, but they pay RM50 ONLY.

To discourage overspending… why not just impose GST?

Sure cannot lar, the minister’s wife/wives will suffer so much more!

So what is most easy way to get cash not affecting their wives spending and their pockets… RM50 per credit card!

Imagine so many credit cards out there, for every single card is a RM50 income!

… … …

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Why I don’t read newspaper

Look at today’s headline on Sabah local papers!

A 25-year-old salesman found dead after delivering a luxurious car to a customer for test drive. The car is also missing along with his valuable. He is the ONLY SON in his family!


“Still Investigating”… I hope that’s that a permanent statement.

At an young age of 25 and being new to the job, I’m sure when the robbers hijacked the car, he tried to defend or fight back… for that he lost his life. And what are his employer’s reaction when his girlfriend call the office when he didn’t call her and she couldn’t reach him? They told her he went missing with a Toyota Ninja so they have made a police report for the matter!

I am mad… or is the world I live in MAD?

Monday, October 19, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Especially For the Lawyers?


There’s this sign that reads “Khas Untuk Peguam” on the wall outside the Magistrates Court 1 of KKHC… I always wonder what that’s for…

Sunday, October 11, 2009

HK Recipe

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Every time I bring mom dad to “jalan-jalan” one borneo, I would end up bringing them to this restaurant for lunch.

Simply because dad wants to eat rice,
mom likes noodles…
and I like burgers.

Here, dad can order his ginger beef rice


Mom can order her fish noodle…


and me and my Macau Burger… :p

One happy family!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hakka Mee @ Pudu

My brother brought me to this stall near Pudu morning market for hakka mee!

While waiting for the mee to be ready…
I shot the chopsticks…

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still not ready yet?


Here it is finally!  


Delicious! Yummy… nice!

Hakka rocks!

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Fish Noodle @ Merdeka Food Court

But I miss the Merdeka Tom Yam…
The Tom Yam noodle that I’ve been having since secondary school days are no longer available from the Merdeka Food Court… I am sad!

Heard that the Tom Yam moved out of Merdeka to Centre Point!

So I had to order other lunch from the food court, I first ordered a Pork Ramen from the Japanese stall Oishii… had one sip of the soup and that’s it, I am not going to eat it.

Have a look:

(The look of it also…)

So my learned friend ordered another dish for me, this nice Fish Soup Noodle…


Yummy (well, not bad lar…)

Monday, October 05, 2009

Beef Noodle @ Yee Fung, Gaya Street

P1090625 Yee Fung’s beef noodle…

Well… still can’t beat Inanam Market’s !

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Oishii @ Merdeka Food Court

Two overweight (old) girls wandered to the Merdeka Food Court on a not so happening Saturday…

The first stall they saw when they stepped into the food court was this Japanese stall:


Since their body fat can’t afford more proper food,
they ordered some so called snacks…


Teriyaki … ok lar!

This one, taste much better than Tg Aru Satay!


The tofu was however so so only…

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wong Kok Coffee Shop


I’d recommend their Tuaran Mee

But their beef noodle is really … so so only…


Saturday, September 05, 2009

Hyatt’s Cakes…


I bought two pieces but didn’t get to taste it…
so I can’t give my personal opinion of it'.

But the one that ate the cake I bought says its really yummy… :)
When I am back to 55KG I’ll treat myself with a piece… or two… or three… :p

Friday, September 04, 2009

Burger King ~ KK



and my favourite… mushroom burger!

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and so I did it my way…


Err… looks disgusting right?!
Hahaha… but it taste okay!
And personally I prefer BK’s burger to McD’s
although McD still got the best fries… not flies ar!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Jokers Performed Again

When the sex scandal was still so not and everyone was talking…
they decide not to do anything about it and let him stand for party election some more…

Then, suddenly, when things are not quite “harmonious” within the party, they say they have to sack him “with a heavy heart”* (if indeed they got heart).

Jokers all… but not funny at all (well maybe just their names are)!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tuaran Mee ~ First Taste

Been back to KK two years plus… this is my first taste of nice Tuaran Mee (RM5)!

I must say it was VERY NICE!

I would definitely come back again for the yummy taste!

The char siew was so tender…
the scrambled egg so soft and creamy…
and the mee… oh… JUST RIGHT!


I didn’t get the name of the shop and when I asked around,
I was told the shop is better known as “Sozai Diam”…
because the taukeh of the shop in the old days has/had a Special Child that was always present in that shop…

I didn’t see any special child when I was there…

They have other dishes too and even Zhu-giok-Sorn and Kiu-nyuk!


Location of this shop:
Kg Air, right beside the taxi stand there…
corner lot painted in bright orange!
You won’t miss it!

Their kopi-bing is nice too! :p